Pre-funding your final expenses is easy and affordable with our Final Expense Savings Plans.

Plan 1 - Flex Annuity

Plan Features:

  • Simple Setup
  • Higher rate of return compared to Cd’s
  • Protects death benefits from federal income taxes
  • Considered an excluded asset when attempting to qualify for Medicaid/SSI
  • No age restrictions

Plan 2 - Life Insurance

Plan Features:

  • Simple Setup
  • Higher rate of return compared to Cd’s
  • Multi-pay policies offer built in insurance to cover final expense over the payment period
  • Protects death benefits from federal income taxes
  • Considered an excluded asset when attempting to qualify for Medicaid/SSI
  • Issued up to age 85or fringilla.

All plans offer these benefits to you and your family

  • Peace of mind that your final wishes are planned
  • Less stress at time of need for surviving family members
  • Locks in today’s pricing with your first payment
  • Your expenses will be covered when you need them to be. That’s guaranteed.